Hamlet vs. Fortinbras

As it’s been explicated, Hamlet is a man of thought.  He spent his time throughout the play questioning whether or not the ghost was being truthful, and if he was, how he was going to get revenge for his father’s death.  In Act IV Scene 4, Hamlet stumbles upon Norway’s young prince, Fortinbras, and is amazed by how well-composed and ready for action he is.  Both Hamlet and Fortinbras lost their fathers at the beginning of the play.  Hamlet hesitates with his actions, over thinking everything.  He is merciful and unwilling to act if he’s not sure it’s the right thing.  Fortinbras acts first, and thinks later.  He’ll put people at risk for his pride and revenge.  He acted as a foil for Hamlet, causing him to act.  One is thoughtful, one is rash, and look where it got them.

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